How powerful are S.M.A.R.T Cloud Servers?

At Datasoft Networks, we use RAIN Enabled SSD Hard Drives for all our S.M.A.R.T Cloud Servers. Plus Backup is taken to a different Storage Network Device.
SSD Drives are 10 times faster than normal drives. And our S.M.A.R.T Cloud Servers are as fast as Dedicated Servers.
Test it for 5 days before you pay. Once you are satisfied with the performance you can pay. If not don’t pay, no questions asked. Both Dedicated and Cloud Servers are eligible for 5 days FREE trial.
Order today at . Both existing and new customers can make use of this offer.

4 Core 4 GB Cloud Server $ 10
8 Core 8 GB Cloud Server $ 20
16 Core 8 GB Cloud Server $ 30
24 Core 8 GB Cloud Server $ 40

Datasoft Networks
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